Jesus Created Ministries (JCM) Creation
Essay Contest Guidelines - $1,000 in Cash Prizes
proudly announces its first creation-essay contest.� The goal of the contest is
to motivate students to examine the claims of and debate between creation and evolution�including
the logical implications of each claim with respect to one�s view of origin,
purpose, morality, and destiny.� JCM will be awarding cash prizes of $500,
$300, and $200 for first, second, third place, respectively.
contest is open to all Oklahoma students ages 12-18 (as of June 15, 2009) whose
parent/legal guardian has completed a JCM Creation Essay Contest Registration
������� The
essay must be the unpublished, original work of the student, between 750 and
1,250 words.� Approved topics include:� biblical discussion of origins,
relevance of the creation/evolution debate, insights into creation from an area
of science (biology, geology, astronomy, etc.), other themes the student
believes would support/promote the recent creation/global-flood view of earth
history.� The essay must be submitted in electronic form.
����� The essay
must be emailed to by 11:59 pm, June 15, 2009.� Include the
name of the submitting student in the email but not on the actual
attached essay�to avoid any appearance of bias.� An acknowledgement email will
be sent stating that JCM received the essay.�
completed and signed JCM Creation Essay Contest Registration Form must be postmarked
by June 15, 2009 and mailed to Jesus Created Ministries at 5103 S. Sheridan
Road #213, Tulsa, OK 74145.� Please complete and mail this form as early as
possible.� This will give JCM an idea of the number of entries to expect.� The
first 100 registration forms postmarked on or before May 15, 2009 and who
submit an essay by the contest deadline will receive a free creation-science
book by Ken Ham (Answers in Genesis) or Dr. Don DeYoung (Institute for Creation
Research/Creation Research Society). JCM will mail books by July 31, 2009.� See
registration form for book titles.
Student�s age will be taken
into consideration during judging.� The general judging criteria will be as
25% - Quality
of the Topic:� To what
extent does the essay support/promote the recent creation/global-flood view of
earth history given in the Bible or show the weaknesses in the naturalistic/evolutionary
25% -
Understanding: How well
did the student understand the subject matter? Did he/she demonstrate a good
grasp of the subject and make relevant points in the essay?
25% -
Presentation: Was the
information presented effectively?� Were the subject matter and points of the
essay clear and easily understood?� Did the essay demonstrate excellence in its
presentation of the topic?
15% -
References: Was the
reference material appropriate?� Did the student make good use of reference
material in presenting the subject matter and points of the essay?
10% -
Details: Spelling,
grammar, and other English-related details.
the registration form and complete details, go to