Dan Hicks
Created Ministries
Over the Memorial Day weekend I had the opportunity to visit the “Chapel of
Saints Valley” at Memorial Park Cemetery in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Chapel is
noted for its beautiful stained glass window featuring the prophets Ezekiel,
Daniel, Jeremiah, and Isaiah. At their feet are written these words: “IF YE

The books of Moses begin with the six day creation found in Genesis. Accounts
of Adam and Eve, man’s fall into sin, Noah and the world-wide Flood are all
presented as history. In the New Testament, Jesus endorses the Genesis record
as truth. In fact, Scripture clearly states that it is because of Adam and his
sin that Jesus came to this earth as savior. If there was no Adam, there is no
need for Jesus.
Today, many professing Christians attempt to embrace Jesus as savior while
rejecting Him as creator. They put their faith in evolution to explain man’s
origin and reject the history presented in Genesis. This position is extremely
foolish because Christianity is absolute nonsense without its history. Again,
if there was no Adam, there is no need for Jesus.
I remember being told by a deacon at a very large conservative church in Tulsa that he
believed the first twelve chapters of Genesis should be removed from the Bible
because evolution has proven them to be fairy tales. I said to the man, “So,
you don’t like Genesis? How do you feel about Exodus?” With the finger of God
on tablets of stone, the Genesis account of creation is confirmed: “For in six
days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and
rested the seventh day.” Exodus 20:11.
The older I get, the more I am convinced that the creation vs. evolution debate
has very little to do with science, but rather, it has everything to do with
your choice to believe the vacillating theories of men or the unchangeable Word
of God. You either believe the words of God or “YE BELIEVE NOT.”
Jesus said: “If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be
persuaded, though one rise from the dead.” Luke 16:31 “For had ye believed
Moses, ye would have believed Me; for he wrote of Me. But IF YE BELIEVE NOT
his writings, how shall ye believe My words?” John 5:46,47
w w w . J e s u s C r e a t e d . o r g